Four Situation In Which Workers' Compensation Insurance May Cover Your Auto Accident

Most people file accident claims after getting injured in automobile crashes. However, it's also possible to file workers' compensation claims for car accidents that occur on the job. Here are examples of situations in which you may file a workers' compensation claim for a car crash:

Driving Is Your Job

You are entitled to workers' compensation benefits for your car accident if driving is a normal part of your duties. The most obvious example for this is a commercial driver hurt involved in a crash. However, there are other people who aren't drivers per se, but their work entails a lot of driving. For example, a risk consultant isn't a driver in the strictest meaning of the title, but their work may involve driving to clients' locations.

You Were Running an Errand

Workers' compensation is meant for injuries incurred on the job irrespective of the nature of those injuries. Therefore, if you are hurt in a car crash, you can file for workers' compensation benefits even if you were running an errand. For example, if you are a secretary and your boss asks you to pick up a client from the airport, you can file for workers' compensation claim if you get into a crash on or from the airport.

You Were Hurt on Your Company's Grounds

You may also be covered by workers' compensation if the car crash occurs in your employer's parking lot. This might be the case even if the injury occurred while you were leaving for home, reporting for work or going to or from lunch. However, you may have a hard time getting the compensation package if the parking lot isn't employer controlled. In such a case, your claim's settlement may depend on the wording of your employer's workers' compensation insurance and your state's laws on the same.

Making a Choice

Workers' compensation benefits are likely to be lower than personal injury claim settlements. One reason for this is because workers' compensation insurance doesn't cover all the damages a personal injury claim may have. For example, workers' compensation doesn't cover pain and suffering while personal injury claims cover the damage. Therefore, it's wise to evaluate the two and follow the path of maximum benefits.

However, you may not always have the option of choosing which claims to make. For example, if your employer is responsible for your injury, you have no option but to go the workers' compensation route, unless you can prove that your employer's actions were intentional.

Lastly, it's advisable to file a workers' compensation claim if you caused the accident. This is because workers' compensation claim benefits are paid to all injured workers regardless of fault.

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