3 Tips For Diffusing or Avoiding A Lawsuit

Getting involved in a personal injury lawsuit can be a major headache. Many people worry that they are going to be sued, and wonder what they can do to protect themselves. Although you cannot account for every situation, there are some things that you can do to protect yourself from being sued. Here are a couple ideas. 1. Be Kind and Diffuse The Situation It is amazing how many lawsuits are filed because people simply are mad at each other. [Read More]

Don't Give Up After The VA Denies Your Claim

Many veterans receive denials for their disability claim, but the reasons aren't always what they seem. In many cases, a denial is simply due to a lack of evidence or incorrect formatting. In the event that you have a legitimate, service-connected injury that was denied by Veterans Affairs (VA), consider a few claim system traits and ways to enhance your claim's validity. What Is A Service-Connected Disability? The term 'service-connected' refers to any disability that happened during military service or a later complication that was caused by military service. [Read More]

3 Facts You Need To Know Before Filing For Divorce

Before heading to the courthouse to file your divorce petition, there are a few facts that you should know. Taking the time to review these important facts outlined below can help you to avoid potential delays in the processing of your divorce petition and may even save you a bit of money along the way. You May Be Able To Expedite Your Divorce With A Simplified Divorce Petition Many states now offer select couples the ability to file what is known as a simplified divorce petition. [Read More]

Understanding The Difficulties Of Veterans Affairs Claims

The Veterans Affairs (VA) disability claim system is designed to help veterans in need, but it's far from perfect. With complex requirements and frustrating delays, the system may put too much burden on an already distressed veteran who may not be able to learn the system quickly enough to get the help needed in a timely fashion. Whether you're filing an initial claim, facing a denial or working through an appeal, a few concepts of the VA claim system can help you prepare for success and reduce stress throughout the process. [Read More]