2 Ways To Get Compensation If Your Employer Doesn't Have Worker's Comp Insurance

Most employers are required by the state to have worker's compensation insurance. This insurance covers you in case you get hurt at work. It will pay your medical bills and may cover any lost time you have from work. However, most state requirements don't kick in until your employer hires a certain amount of people. For example, if your state requires an employer to have worker's comp coverage when they have 5 employees, but the business only has 4 people working for it, your employer isn't required to have the insurance. That makes getting paid for any injuries harder. If that is your situation, there are a couple of things that you can do. 

State Funds

Many states have established funds that can be accessed by people in your situation. They are usually called something like "Uninsured Worker's Fund". Some states also have a temporary disability program that you can get on to help cover your expenses while you are off of work for your injury. To access these funds, you will need to visit your state's labor board. You can usually find this by contacting the Department of Labor for your state. They will point you in the right direction. The labor board may be part of an employment center in your area. If you are approved for these programs, you may not get full coverage for your medical costs or much money as you would if you were working, but it will at least give you some compensation. 

Worker's Comp Lawyer

Another option you have is to visit a workers compensation lawyer and start a suit against your employer directly. That suit will allow you to seek the full amount of your medical costs, as well as pain and suffering, and the full amount of compensation for any time you missed from work. Many worker's comp insurances won't cover all those things, or cover them fully. Since you are suing your employer, you can ask for more compensation. If being able to ask for full compensation is the upside of taking your employer to court, the downside is that it can take months to get the compensation for your injuries. Until that time, you generally need to pay out-of-pocket costs. Your lawyer may be able to negotiate with your employer for a fair compensation before the case goes to court, which will get you money faster. 

Being injured at work is never a good thing. Being able to get the compensation for your injuries means one less thing you have to worry about.
